3 Signs it’s Time to Make a Change

Change is one of those things that can be scary and is always occurring. Everything is constantly moving little by little each day. Oftentimes, we only realize that change has occurred when we hit an extreme. Something becomes uncomfortable or we get too complacent; either way it is a breaking point that ignites action. 

#1 When you realize you are uncomfortable where you are at. 

Great examples occur with the small things in life when our hair grows too long; we get to a breaking point and cut it, when the house becomes too chaotic; we clean, or when the grass grows up past your waist; and we mow the lawn. Everyone experiences the little things and course corrects back to their ideal self. Clean kept hair, tidy house, or a fresh cut lawn. However, we fail to notice it with the bigger things in life until it becomes extreme. When we stay in a relationship we don’t want to be in for way too long. When bills are left unpaid and you haven’t budgeted in months, or when you are working at a job that you strongly dislike for years. Oftentimes, with those “bigger things” we like to push them off until we HAVE to deal with them. When we angrily take action and QUIT that job, FILE for divorce, or when the finances COLLAPSE. 

-> If you are struggling with the big things, approach it the same way as the little things because what you’ll realize is that everything is the same in principle, just different in effect. For example, with the lawn you don’t wake up one morning and glance outside and say, “OH MY GOD THE GRASS IS 2 FEET TALL” and then proceed to rush around and mow down all of the grass in 20 minutes, when it’s really a weekend project. 

So, why does it have to be like that when dealing with the large things?

With a friendship or relationship with a family member there are probably some big hangups, resentment, and communication problems, but it’s likely salvageable. Unless it is a toxic relationship-a subject for a whole different blog!

 Work on communicating your feelings and working together to get to a place where you both thrive like you once did. Don’t try to solve the whole thing in 30 minutes. Instead focus on taking baby steps and doing things each day to make things better than the day before and soon enough you will look up and have a healthy, thriving, relationship again.

There is no quick fix, it’s just consistent thoughtful action. 

A little action each day brings about big change in the long term. We always forget this and are constantly looking for shortcuts. Do the work.

That’s all, no need for long and drawn out lists. #2 and #3 says “refer back to #1”

Ok – so there are my top sign(s) that when these things start to happen for you in your life, you know it’s time to change! If you’re looking for suggestions on WHERE to bring about change in your life, or you found this post helpful, I want to hear about it in the comments below.  And be sure to join my group, and sign up for my positive newsletter where I go into even more detail about bringing REAL confidence that will make a difference in YOUR life.

Changing is one of the HARDEST things to do in life especially when you have established routines and habits for years, but having a TEACHER or the right TOOLS make change easier.

You’ve got this!

 Xo, Monica

How to change your habits in 21 days quotes

by Monica Fernandi | February 2019


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